

48 hores a la capital de Rúsia, la preciosa Moscú.
48 hours in the capital of Russia, the precious city of Moscow.

I ara, un vídeo de Moscú amb música de Shostakovich (Vals Nº2) per animar-vos el dia...!
And now, a video of Moscow with Shostakovich's music (Waltz Nº2) to make your day...!

Si encara no n'heu tingut prou, podeu veure el llibre sencer "Moscow 48 hours" (i comprar-lo!) seguint aquest enllaç: http://www.blurb.com/books/2458149

And if you still don't have enough, you can take a look at the whole book "Moscow 48 hours" (and buy it!) following the next link: http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/2399049

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